Workflow is a set of predefined processes that ensures the smooth running of a business. Enterprises, be it small, medium or large requires a systematic and structured workflow. It ensures productivity, accountability and efficiency in a business point of view. Why workflow is important, and what are the ways to improve your organisations workflow efficiently? Let’s dive into the key points.

1. Lower the time spend on mundane tasks.
A recent survey states around 600 hours/year are wasted on tasks that require zero intelligence or special skills. Eliminating distractions and tasks ,that got nothing to offer to the overall workflow, helps in saving time. Such mundane tasks do not contribute to project productivity or employee satisfaction. Find out these administrative tasks, evaluate and lower the time spend on them.

2. Have a clear understanding of the various processes
Operational efficiency can only be improved through invoking a clear picture of various processes among the employees as well as the management team. Many small and medium scale enterprises fail to establish a proper communication channel and expect the employee’s to deliver their highest performance. Make sure your employee’s understand what is it, they are supposed to do or what is the output expected from them.

3. Ensure proper resource utility.
There are various resources and not every resource is to be used or even treated the same way. Human resource for example, if not properly selected or utilised can lead to chaos and decreased efficiency in performance of your enterprise. Employee satisfaction is another key aspect that improves your organisations workflow. If the employees are appreciated and awarded, a sense of belonging can be created. Response loop ensures resource utility.

4. Create a healthy work environment.
A healthy workspace ensures opportunities to grow. Employee feedbacks are vital for the growth of any business. They are the actual warriors out in the field with instructions from their leaders, here managers. If it isn’t for a healthy and rewarding work environment, or for a boss who is a mentor and motivator, there will be lack of enthusiasm and dedication from the employees. Understand your warriors, support them, and listen to them.

5. Avoid occasions of Miscommunication
Communication is the key to success when it comes to running a business. No business can thrive for longer periods without proper communication channels. The vision can only be executed, when the mission is understood and received properly. Communication is a two way traffic. It shouldn’t always be commands from the manager and silence from the employees. Listening to concerns of the employees, and thereby formulating new strategies helps in the succes of any enterprise. Response loop enables you to communicate with ease.

6. Implement the best automation tools:
When it comes to workflow management, automation tools really help to take a huge amount of burden from your shoulders. There are different tools available in the market. Finding out the right tool and incorporating it with your organisational requirements is the real challenge. Response loop is an easy, smart and efficient Workflow Management System that has options to customise according to your requirements. Book a free trial today. With Response loop things get real smart.
A tiny butterfly flapping its wings in the amazon can cause a typhoon in the Europe! Heard this one before? According to chaos theory, the things that really change the world are the tiny things. The chaos theory has utmost significance in management. A tiny delay in a process, a tiny miscommunication, or a tiny change in the decisions can bring down an enterprise to chaos. There is a famous saying, “Trifles are trifles, trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle”. With the right Workflow Management System, you will be equipped to tackle any chaos. In fact, chaos can be detected and eliminated even before it takes form. Let the butterfly flap its wings, let’s be prepared with Response loop!